Emprise Theme Documentation

Emprise Theme Documentation

As an end user looking for best possible destinations to visit for my next vacation, one should be able to easily view exciting destinations and go to the page where all tours in that destination is listed.

As a site admin, looking to promote popular/best destinations on the frontpage, you should be able to easily create destination block so that your users are targeted, and I can change the destination frequently with ease. 

  1. Create a destination block via elementor drag n’ drop
  2. Set the section title and subtitle for the block
  3. Select which destinations to display in the masonary grid
  4. The city name will be dynamically displayed, meaning, you will get a field with dropdown box in the elementor that shows the cities that are available in the backend Product > Destinations. (Cities ONLY / NO Countries)
  5. Set the images for the destination in Elementor itself. The images should be uploaded of specific size so that it doesn’t appear distorted, and in the elementor, we should show the recommended size for the image / images.
  6.  The text under city has 2 options, either to display the custom text or to display the distance from the users location. See the attached screenshot of this feature working on airbnb site…
  7. Show / hide the rating badge
  8. Show / hide the text and sub text
  9. Show Distance: please note that this will only work if you have checked the “Location Status” in your Emprise Theme Options > General Settings.